TECH PARK | 福岡市 天神にある、テクノロジーと遊ぶアフタースクール(学童保育)



Straight from a pro! Learn to take instagrammable photos with your phone!

Have you ever heard of an iPhoneographer?

It's a word for a photographer who only uses an iPhone’s camera for taking pictures.

For this event, we’ve invited Koichi Mitsui, an iPhoneographer famous for his portraits of Steve Jobs and Tim Cook, to teach tips for having fun using an iPhone to take photos, making photos you’ve taken more beautiful, and more.

So grab your phone and come learn how to take and edit instagrammable pictures of buildings, landscapes, people, buildings, animals, or whatever you like!

About Koichi Mitsui

Koichi was born in 1966 in Kanagawa. He worked as a photographer for newspapers and magazines before going freelance. He is active in magazines, advertisements, websites, stock photos, movies, writing, seminars, and consulting. Representative of Sasurau.

Koichi uses his iPhone to take photos with his unique view of the world. He held a solo exhibition titled "i Memories" [iの記憶] at epSITE in Shinjuku in June, 2010 and was selected as one of six iPhoneographers from around the world for the iPhonegrafia event at the La Panera Art Center in Spain in that same year.

His books of iPhone photographs include "iPhonegrapherー80 Words to Keep You Walking and Taking Photos" [iPhonegrapherー写真を撮り、歩き続けるための80の言葉] (Publisher: Raichosha) and "iPhone Photographic Method" (Publisher: Shoeisha).

Koichi’s other works include shooting and directing the brand sites  "Tears" and "The DAY" for Nikon, running the the Sigbura blog for the Sigma brand,  as well as for the Manfrotto website, and contributing to the Manfrotto website.

He has appeared as an instructor on TV Tokyo’s World Business Satellite and Future Century ZIPANGU, as well as NHK Educational TV’s  ShumiDoRaku.

Event details

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