TECH PARK | 福岡市 天神にある、テクノロジーと遊ぶアフタースクール(学童保育)



Winter School 2016 Info Sessions Announced


Winter School 2016 will run from 12/23 through 1/7/2017!

Come enjoy great activities with different themes each day. We’re planning all kinds of lessons like making commercials, programming video games, constructing 3D buildings in Minecraft, assembling electronics with sensors and lights, accessory making, and much more!

You can attend as many or as few days as you like, so it’s easy to fit Winter School in with your family’s holiday schedule.

There are 15 spots for early-elementary students and 15 for upper-elementary students available each day.

We’ll explain more details about the curriculum, schedule, and application process at info sessions. We can also do trial lessons at the same time if your child is able to attend together, in which case you should bring a laptop computer with you.

Info session details and registration

Sorry, these events have ended.
